Koi feeding
Shh…. wait for it, the koi are taking their time to eat… https://youtu.be/QVKwhaXHaTYhttps://youtu.be/3s7QlQmyCpE
Koi chilling out
Koi love watermelon
Koi love to eat watermelon. It contains a lot of vitamins the koi can use. Also during summertime heat, it is a refreshing experience for the koi to eat a cold watermelon. Here some videos of koi eating a watermelon. https://youtu.be/uPpdBUZ2jRYhttps://youtu.be/O-C6nbzzLcIhttps://youtu.be/JtXAdecc-vw
Pond visit
A few days a go, Algeric and Shawn visited some customer ponds. Salt was delivered and a quick health check was done. All koi are healthy. Here some more photo of the visit.
Enjoy the koi swimming
enjoy the many curious kois swimming by… https://youtu.be/G58UCOGlsSI